The trusty anti-shark device... |
...and I was wearing my Road ID wristband with my details, including my bloodgroup, should a bastard shark regurgitate my wrist. M4P and Travis the Beetle were still Missing In Action on their respective family holidays.
With my normal car busted and in the shop, Jeeves (aka Westy), who had been storing my boat at his place had off-loaded Sir's ski and taken it down to the beach so all I had to do was step out of the car and start paddling.Next time mate, please clean it before I deem to use it...
As usual I was laboring (looking at my gut these days you would think that was literal) to catch Westy but after a while I felt pretty good, and comfortable with the new carbon-fibre iPaddle, and we put in a quick time out to the first breather to the south of Penguin Island. The dolphins were out and about on the way, keeping us company as we negotiated the shallows around the island. The northerly made its presence felt as we pushed up the seaward side and it was about then that Westy suggested we go around Seal Island as well. So as to deflect the inevitable "Why do you hate Australia so much?" that would come with a refusal, in a manly, hearty manner I enthusiastically agreed, thankful that my shoulders couldn't speak for themselves after the pace that we had set until that point.
Keeping the pace up, and scanning the surrounding waters like the shark-paranoid that I am (its called Seal Island for a reason, and correct me if I'm wrong but that is right up there on Great White haute cuisine), we passed north of Seal Island, lamenting the deal of the day, where unsuspecting tourists could pay $75 each for a kayak tour of these islands and take 7 hours to do what we were doing in an hour. Michael Clarke's new girlfriend became a topic of conversation, with the inevitable comparisons to Lara Bingle being made, and the consensus formed that she was a better quality missus because she wasn't a raving lunatic.
But it was breakfast on our minds as we pushed the last 3km back to the beach, arriving in a respectable one hour and two minutes for just under 9km, a much faster time than we have done.
Apologies if this is someone who reads this's daughter , but the gravity-defying, tattooed waitress is outstanding, very cute and worth a visit to the Boat Ramp even if you aren't hungry.
The Boat Ramp Cafe gives hungry paddlers exactly what they need - hot, passable coffee to wash down copious amounts of fried pig. Its bloody tasty, relatively cheap and served quickly and cheerfully. That's the reason that we keep going back - in fact even when paddling further afield when down south, we often make the trip back here for brekky.
Do yourselves a favour - 7/10.
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